Brody has learned how to make faces and this is his favorite one. He is so funny to watch.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Article on Ken

The following article was on the MSU website. Unfortunately is available only to faculty & staff who have a login. Thought you might enjoy it.
From the drawing board to the construction world
Ken Boatright enjoys the challenge of a blank piece of paper.
“For me, I feel it is a God-given desire,” said Boatright. “There is just something about taking a flat piece of paper, making a drawing that looks two dimensional and, if everything goes well, it actually looks like the subject!”
For many years, Boatright has been recreating the beauty of a variety of subjects. Armed with a pen or pencil and a piece of paper, the only qualifier for being a subject of one of his drawings is to capture his interest. Visitors at the Ozark Empire Fair and the annual Ozarks Celebration Festival often get to see Boatright’s work firsthand.
In addition to drawing, Boatright’s other hobbies include other hands-on, creative activities, such as woodworking and gardening.
“I have always admired people who could create or do things with their hands,” said Boatright.
As project manager for the design and construction office at Missouri State University, Boatright chose his profession based on his desire to build things. However, his drawing and drafting opened the door for his work with the University.
Recently, Boatright represented the University as the onsite contact for the renovation of Siceluff Hall. His work included inspections of the site to ensure the project was being built according to the plans and solving the problems that arose during construction.
“I enjoy building, working with contractors, architects and engineers, and working through the challenges that come up during construction,” said Boatright. “I get a lot of personal satisfaction from being involved from the start to the finish of a project.”
Boatright has also been involved in multiple projects at the William H. Darr Agricultural Center, including the construction of a multipurpose barn, renovation of Pinegar Arena and improvements to the parking lot and entrance road.
“I enjoy working at the University because it is always changing, and each day brings a new set of opportunities and challenges,” said Boatright, who has worked at Missouri State for 31 years.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Labor Day
We spent Labor Day holiday in Snyder, TX with Jeremiah, Kasey and Mabry. We went to a Snyder football game on Friday night, Kasey, Mabry and I went antique shopping - we had fun and bought a few things. Kasey bought a cute little table and two chairs for their front porch. They guys worked on a project at home. Sunday was church and a cookout. We had a great visit and are making plans for the holidays - already!! Mabry is sure growing and I expect she will be crawling next time we see her.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Brody update
I'm back
Well it has been a busy August and I finally have some time to update my blog. We drove to Tulsa on Sunday, August 16 to meet up with Kasey and Mabry. We have a great visit - had lunch and did some shopping. It was so good to see them again. Jeremiah was not able to come due to work but it was really good to see the girls again. We are planning a trip to Texas soon. More pictures to come. Here are some picture of Mabry taken in Tulsa.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Blue Ribbons
Prize winning cake

Last year I entered the "Weird Chocolate Cake" contest at the Ozark Empire Fair. Didn't place. This year I tried it again. After making several cakes and sharing them with my office and Ken's office - I entered a "Black Bean Chocolate Cake" and won first place. Yeah!! I had a lot of fun experimenting with different cakes and both offices had fun eating them. I've already begun thinking about next years cake.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Ozark Empire Fair
Brody made his first trip to the Ozark Empire Fair. Although he did sleep through most of it he did wake up in time to enjoy some of it. We had a great time - looking at all the exhibits and all Ken's blue ribbons. Enjoyed corn dogs, McAlister's Tea and Hiland ice cream. Yum! Oh - I forgot the turkey leg. We had a great time.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I can't believe it has been so long since I have posted. Things have been pretty crazy. We are in the last two weeks of summer school and everything is due NOW!! Work is semi-quiet but still busy. We are busy with the garden and yard so it never ends. Ken is in training for the MS150 bike ride in September. Bailey and I are taking lots of walks and enjoying the summer. I have babysit Brody several times - he is so much fun and entertaining. I'm planning a trip to Snyder to see Jeremiah, Kasey and Mabry in late August. Can't wait to see all of them and their new house. I know they have been working hard. Well - enough for now.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Grandbaby news
Well it has been a busy couple of weeks. I left on Memorial Day and drove to Texas. Spent the week spoiling Mabry and helping Jeremiah and Kasey pack up to move. Mabry got her first tooth while I was there. We had a great time. I babysit one night while Jeremiah & Kasey went to dinner. Came home on Friday. On June 4 I spent the afternoon and night with Brody. Matt and Jaclyn went to Minneapolis to a wedding and Jaclyn's mom, Jeanna, and I shared Brody. I had a great time. He is beginning to talk and coo - he loves books and being read to. We had a really good time talking and visiting. Being a Nana is so much fun.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tornado damage at Fair Grove
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
If you know me you know I love quilts. Several years ago I started making quilts and have made approximately 25 quilts. Here are a few of my favorites. My favorite quilts to make are those with a Christmas or Holiday theme. I've also started making baby quilts and really enjoy those as well. I'm always looking for new, soft, beautiful fabric to make into a special quilt.

Monday, May 4, 2009
Wanna Be Gang member??
Monday, April 27, 2009
Baby News - Baby Blues

Baby News - Baby Blues... I have them both. The news is they are both growing healthy and strong. Look at these adorable faces. The Blues - I was sick over the weekend and didn't get to see or babysit Brody. Jeremiah, Kasey & Mabry were in Snyder, TX this weekend househunting. Jeremiah has accepted a job as an Academic Advisor at the Community College and they will be moving in June. Matt, Jaclyn & Brody spent Saturday at Branson Landing having a good time shopping. I was hoping to babysit on Sunday but things didn't work out but I'm excited about next time. I pretty much spent my weekend on the couch - running a temp and coughing. Uck!! What a waste of a beautiful weekend.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Raiding the hive

This picture reminded me that when I was a child my father used to keep bees. It was a big deal when he "raided" the hives because we would have fresh honey. My mom would always make a pan of biscuits for dinner and we would have biscuits and honey. Now I make the biscuits but we have to buy our honey at the farmer's market. It is still yummy but not the same. Sometimes I think our memories are not that accurate - somethings we remember much better than they were and some thing much worse. Anyway - this picture brought back some good memories.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Bedtime Story

This weekend we watched Bedtime Stories with Adam Sandler. Now I like Adam Sandler and have seen several of his movies - Big Daddy, Anger Management, Happy Gilmore to name a few. This movies was a calmer version of Adam Sandler. It was fairly funny and entertaining. It didn't have the obnoxious Adam Sandler but still contained the immature Adam Sandler. It seems like he just can't grow up and perhaps that is what appeals to many people who watch his movies. He appeals to the kid in all of us. I enjoyed seeing Courtney Cox again and miss her and Friends. The movie was enjoyable and as always the good guy wins in the end. If you want an enjoyable movies that will make you laugh - try Bedtime Stories.
Easter weekend

We enjoyed the weekend with our sons and their families. Jeremiah, Kasey and Mabry came in on Thursday night and left on Sunday. We got to spoil Mabry for the weekend. Saturday night we all gathered at our house for dinner. Matt, Jaclyn and Brody joined us and we had a great time. The Easter bunny came for everyone bringing candy, stuffed rabbits for the kids and gift cards for the adults. These weekends are so wonderful and I cherish each of them. We are so thankful for the times we can be together as a family. Love you guys.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Easter Week
Well - this is Easter week and it will be a busy one. Even though we only have four days of work this week I'm trying to cram six days into it. Jeremiah, Kasey and Mabry are going to be here on Thursday. Yeah!! Can't wait to see them. We haven't seen them since January and are so excited. Matt, Jaclyn and Brody will be joining us for a family Easter dinner on Saturday night. We plan on seeing them more than just Saturday night but that is on "official" dinner. Can't wait to have my whole family all together again. These times are very special and getting harder to come by. I'm sure I will have lots of pictures next week on my blog. Stay tuned. Have a wonderful, happy Easter.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Nana and Brody
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Peaceful Brody
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Sometimes you see the strangest things!!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Brody Michael has arrived!!!!
We welcomed Brody Michael Boatright into the world yesterday at 11:33 am. We got the call at 3:00 am yesterday morning that Matt & Jaclyn were at the hospital. Jaclyn did a great job and Matt was there by her side the whole time. Brody weighed in at 7 lbs 10 oz and is 21 inches long. He has a patch of black hair. He also has very well developed lungs and when he gets mad you know it. He is adorable (we aren't the least bit proud). We got to hold him a few minutes after he was born.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Well, there are signs that Spring is on its way. I took a walk Monday during lunch - it was so warm and nice. Along the way I saw signs of spring with flowers such as this one. I love this time of year - everything starts to bloom and there is color everywhere after the bland colors of winter. Spring - Yeah!!!!!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Mabry - 10 weeks old
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Bailey's Birthday

Today is Bailey's birthday. She is 2 years old. It is hard to believe she has been with us for 2 years - she has become such an important part of our lives. Like any dog or human, she has her faults but the joy she brings us is so much greater. She loves to play with humans and other dogs and she loves everyone. Happy Birthday Bailey!!!
Friday, February 27, 2009
upside down pot

Last Saturday when we were at the Lawn & Garden show I stopped by the Wild Birds Unlimited booth. They had lots of cools bird feeders, books, etc. One of the coolest things they had was an upside down pot. It is a flower pot and you turn it upside down, fill it with dirt and plant the flower in the bottom of the pot. Water it good and let it set for a couple of weeks so the plant can take root. After the two weeks you can turn it right side up and hang it. The plants grow from the bottom of the pot. You water from the top. I bought one and am so excited to try it. We have a large front porch and in the summer I have it full of hanging baskets of flowers. This will be something new and fun to try. Wild Birds Unlimited didn't have a pot on their webside but I found one similar on another site. When I get it planted - I'll have additional pictures.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Monday and the beginning of another week. It has been a really busy day but the weekend was good. Ken and I went to the Lawn and Garden Show yesterday - looked at lots of those green toys (John Deere tractors). He would sure like to have one - maybe next year. I looked at lots of plants and a "Big Green Egg". I would sure like to have one - maybe next year. We spent Saturday looking for and buying a new microwave. The old one broke and it was going to cost $340 to fix it - we bought a new one for $259. We tried the Dave Ramsey technique of negotiating but they wouldn't deal. Anyway it was marked down $72 anyway so we were Ok with it.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Baby Shower
Thursday, February 12, 2009
I would not be a very good "MOM' if I didn't include Bailey in my post. Bailey is the "princess" at our house. She is an almost two year old Shih-Tzu and she rules our lives. She has her spot on the top of the couch where she can look out the windows and "survey" her world. Her favorite things are her toys and going outside. She also loves going to playday and seeing her human friend, Maggie and all her dog friends. She also loves playing with her friends, Lexie and Millie.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Jaclyn's Baby Shower
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Upcoming shower

We are hosting a family/friends shower for Matt & Jaclyn on February 15. I have been busy shopping and getting ready for it. This weekend I made a diaper cake for her. It was really fun finding all the items for the cake and making it. Took Granny Boatright shopping on Saturday - we have a fun time. These babies sure are fun to buy for.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Teighan Rayne
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