Last Saturday when we were at the Lawn & Garden show I stopped by the Wild Birds Unlimited booth. They had lots of cools bird feeders, books, etc. One of the coolest things they had was an upside down pot. It is a flower pot and you turn it upside down, fill it with dirt and plant the flower in the bottom of the pot. Water it good and let it set for a couple of weeks so the plant can take root. After the two weeks you can turn it right side up and hang it. The plants grow from the bottom of the pot. You water from the top. I bought one and am so excited to try it. We have a large front porch and in the summer I have it full of hanging baskets of flowers. This will be something new and fun to try. Wild Birds Unlimited didn't have a pot on their webside but I found one similar on another site. When I get it planted - I'll have additional pictures.